Click on flyers for more information
School sites may be closed, but by clicking here you can:
- Enroll your student for the current 19-20 school year for At-Home Learning.
Student Preparedness
Parent Preparedness
Staying Healthy
Kindergarten is now accepting donations for new playground activities. Donations can be dropped off in the Main Office.
Dear Ramona Families,
The link above has a video to hep you register for a Parent Portal Account.
We hope you are well. On Monday, July 27, 2025. Ramona office will be open from 9:00AM-4:00PM. Beginning on Tuesday, July 28, 2025, Ramona will be open from 8:00AM-4:00PM. During this time, the office will take phone calls and enrollment applications for the new school year, change of address and/or change of phone numbers.
Thank you,
Ms. Marin
Estimadas familias de Ramona:
Esperamos que esten bien. El lunes 27 de julio de 2025, la oficina de Ramona estará abierta de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. A partir del martes 28 de julio de 2025, Ramona estará abierto de 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. todos los días. Durante este tiempo, la oficina atenderá llamadas telefónicas y solicitudes de inscripción para el nuevo año escolar.
Dear Ramona Families,
There will be an important Informational Virtual Meeting with Ms. Marin. We will be meeting on Friday, July 31, 2025 at 11:00AM to discuss the start of the new school year. We will also talk about distribution of devices, Schoology (for attendance), parent portal, and materials for the new school year. Please do not miss out on this very important meeting. The Zoom information is in this email and on the Class Dojo and on the text message. Thank you.
Reunión informativa importante con la Sra. Marin. Esta junta será virtual. Nos reuniremos el viernes 31 de julio de 2025 a las 11:00 a.m. para discutir el comienzo del nuevo año escolar. También hablaremos sobre la distribución de dispositivos, Schoology (para asistencia), portal para padres y materiales para el nuevo año escolar. No se pierda esta reunión tan importante. La informacion de Zoom esta en este mensaje, Class Dojo y en el texto. Gracias
Zoom Information/ Información de Zoom
Meeting ID: 970 0960 5737
Passcode: 847935
Parent Letter 7-30-20.pdf (PDF)
No School for the Next Two Weeks
ZPTServer(Web服务器) V2.01 官方版 下载_当下软件园_软件 ...:2021-2-8 · ZPTServer 是一款轻巧级功能齐全的Web服务器,体量不大,但是“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”,软件同样支持远程监控、SSI、历史记录、 虚拟主机等功能,并且由于体量小的关系,拥有无与伦比的速度。
Dear Ramona Families,
If you need support with getting online or support with your child's electronic device, you may call (562)372-6925. You may also call LAUSD at (213)443-1300.
Estimadas familias de Ramona:
Si necesita asistencia para conectarse o asistencia con el dispositivo electrónico de su hijo, puede llamar al (562) 372-6925. También puede llamar a LAUSD al (213) 443-1300.
Grade Level Lesson Plans have been uploaded. You can find them in the

Come visit our Parent Center located in Room 47 to checkout ways to get involved at Ramona!