I Moved to DanielleBelton.com

Read me over there. Over there. I'll be blogging more often over there.

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Read me over there. Over there. I'll be blogging more often over there.
Oh hay. Look. It's "Passing," by Yesha Callahan, Danielle Belton and Jada Prather. Enjoy!
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Family photos from my grandmother's sun porch in Newport, Ark.First of all, it's been a long time and I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to ... or at least some blog posts to read. Astute readers and "Friends-of-Snob" have pointed out on numerous occasions my last post here was in November. My last articles on Clutch and The Root were in January and I promised, on the Facebooks and Twitters, that I'd come back in February and now March is almost over. So, yes, that is all true. My goal was to redo my site and re-brand/re-launch on Wordpress, but Wordpress struggled to import all my old posts (I've been blogging since 2007, so there are quite a few) and I'm so busy and impatient I no longer have the energy to futz around with my own HTML and make something pretty.
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